Tips for Freshwater Stingray Fishing
Anthony and Michael pose with a short tailed stingray, one of the largest specimens caught in our area
Tips for catching Stingrays on the Amazon River
There are 28 species of freshwater stingray in the Amazon River Basin.
They adapted to a freshwater life after tectonic activity isolated them in an inland ocean situated over South America millions of years ago.
Stingrays can be found in lakes, small streams, the big river and even the flooded forest.
The rays have a great sense of smell so they find bait relatively easy. We fish for them on the bottoms where they glide over the mud and sand searching for food.
Some species specialize on small spiny catfish.
The cunchi catfish is a favorite bait for rays but they have these little venomous spines, one on its dorsum and two pectorals.
Snap these spines off with a pair of pliers before tossing in. It will help hook the ray easy.
Recognizing the pull of a ray is a specialty that comes with experience. Many times, it will be a short tug and the ray will sit in place with the bait in mouth.
Tip 2
Slowly the ray swims away, taking a steady slow flow of line from the spool. This is characteristic.
The ray will fight, run into the deep or move up or down the channel. Sometime the ray can suction itself to the bottom and not want to move.
Tip 3
In this case, it is easy to break the line if you don’t know the trick to making the ray loosen its grip on the bottom.
Tip 4.
When the ray is stuck on the bottom, tighten your line and start plucking it like a guitar string. This tickling of the mouth will make the ray swim to a different spot.
That is when you take advantage and try to bring it to the surface.
If the strumming doesn’t loosen the fish, tighten up the line even more and strum vigorously.
Tip 5. If the ray doesn’t want to move, you may be stuck. Just wait 5 minutes to see if the fish moves, without pulling too hard on the line, relieving a bit of tension so if it is stuck, it may get loose.
Tip 6. If you find your hook is stuck and you have only just casted in, leave it there with some light tension and wait. There is a good chance another fish will come around to free you up.
Tip 7. Your guides know the best places to fish, they will take you to confluences of tributaries and the Amazon. The Stingrays like to sit near these areas waiting for prey items to flow twords them.
Tip 8. Watch out for that stinger, it will make you cry!
Tip 9. If you capture one of adecuate size but not too biug, you may ask your guides to prepare it for a meal. Fried ray is actually very delicious
Tip 10. After catching a ray, inspect you fishing line for frays and cuts. These stingray have sharp nodules on their tails and can cut your line with a little rub. Check and retie if need be, that mistake can cost you a big one
Jelle Visits us every couple of years because he loves to catch stingrays! Our personalized service is top notch and he knows it!
Michael really hooked into a Monster stingray!