Delicious Local Amazon Dishes

Taste local foods while on adventure with us. We are proud to offer distinct foods that can be found in the Loreto Region of the Amazon River. Now I do not like to toot my own horn but my experience in the restaurant business has allowed us to develop our own breed of feed.

We try at all costs to consume local products. People from all over the district come to sell us their fresh produce.  Local Produce we consume is as follows (Seasonal availability applies)

  • Bananas, plantains

  • Yucca, Fariña

  • Papaya, watermelon, melons,

  • squash, peanuts, peppers, cucumbers

  • Rice, fish. Maize

For one, the most extraordinary ingredient is yucca. Grown on site either in our own agricultural plots or bought from locals, there are a thousand ways to uses yucca. The lesser imaginative way is to boil it and eat as is or make empanandas. When we harvest yucca, we wash, peel, grind and dry to make yucca flour and starch. </p>Once the yucca is ground up, we press the starch loaded liquid out of the mash. The starch is set aside to separate and dry. The flour mash is than sun dried to a crisp. After sun drying the yucca mash, we grind it again to make a fine powder, That fine powder is the main ingredient for many innovative things. For Example we make:

  • Yucca cookies-

  • Pizzas crust

  • Churros

  • Yucca flatbread

  • Pancakes </p>


Trekking With Jaguars, Pumas and Pigs


Tapir Trail Camera From Fossil Creek Wildlife Reserve