Tapir Video and images taken with remote camera

Take a moment to see this tapir taking a drink. Four 31sc videos stitched together represent a flash in the life of an Amazonian Tapir as it cycles through its territory frequenting wallows between fruiting stands of forest. There can aslo be observed large bats flying around and the eyeshine of a water snake or possibly a young caiman creeping its way through the puddles made by previous tapir visits.

Tapir Video Here






This gorgeous specimen of Tapirus terrestris was photographed using remote cameras set near our camp on Arambaza river. This tapir frequents the same wallows every couple of days, we were fortunate encounter to get these images with only a weeks worth of camera trapping. Large mammal tracks and signs are abundant a but the animal itself is rarely seen.I placed the camera in three different wallows hoping to get a glimpse of whatever may come in. The tapirs frequent these wallows for the mineral salts that are exuded from the clay in low lying moist areas. In the wallow we also found tracks of peccary, paca, deer and jaguar. Next week I will be placing the camera on a trail known to be used by a very large resident jaguar. Hopefully I will be writing next week with stunning images of a feline.The Arambaza camp is a rustic house built by Oto ex staff together with the village of San Gregorio in a remote area of the Peruvian Amazon. Situated on the Arambaza river, this area gives tourists a chance to experience the Amazon rainforest interior away from the big river.Here you hike and canoe with local guides to see a plethora of Wildlife in its natural state.


Essential for trekking or camping in the Amazon Rainforest


Trekking and adventure travel near Iquitos Perú